Saturday, June 18, 2011

Listening for God's Voice when You're on the Run

It's been a LONG while since I sat down to write here.  And so much has happened in the last two and a half months!  Hopefully, things are settling down a bit and I can get back to the therapy of writing on a regular basis.  (OK, let's not get unrealistic and out of control here - at least once every week or two!)

I was reading this morning about Elijah's run from Jezebel's threats in 1 Kings 19.  It is interesting to note that God asks Elijah the same question twice - “What are you doing here, Elijah?" (vv. 9b & 13b).  Was God asking Elijah why he was hiding in a cave on Mount Sinai?  It seems clear that this is exactly where God wanted him to be. (It is implied that the angel directed him to take the journey to Sinai.)  Perhaps Elijah believed that he would be safe from the machinations of evil Jezebel by hiding in "the mountain of God"....  

Back to God's repeated question.  Did you notice that Elijah's answers were exactly the same?  "I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets.   I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too" (vv. 10 & 13).  Did he think that God had not heard or understood the first time?  Doesn't it stand to reason that if God asks you a question twice, it is probably because you didn't give the right answer the first time?  So, what is God asking Elijah?  Think about it - God's question is about motivation.  "WHY are you here?"

God then commands Elijah to come out to the mouth of the cave and stand before Him.  It is there that God reveals Himself in a gentle whisper. After the drama of wind, earthquake and fire...God whispers.  Is there a lesson here for you and me?  

God's answer to Elijah's response is the key.  Allow me to paraphrase:  "Listen for my voice in the midst of all the drama and the storm of your emotions.  Elijah, you are not alone. You're not done yet because I'm not done with you.  No matter what you feel like, I still have a mission for you. I will continue to direct you and now I will provide a protege to learn from you."  

Are those words that you need to hear today?  Are you exhausted and on the run?  Do you feel as if you are all alone?  Are you despairing that all you've done has not made a difference?  Listen again for God's gentle whisper - the reminder of His presence in your crises.  Let go of your expectations.  Listen for the assurance that He is still in control and that His plan for your life can't be thwarted by evil men.  Look for evidence of God's continued work in your life (just think about His miraculous provision for Elijah's journey). Let God encourage and energize you, as you go back by the same way that you came.

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