Monday, January 24, 2011

Ears to Hear

From time to time, my wife has accused me of "not listening."  I know, can you imagine?!!?  "Really, Gina!" (Did you hear the indignation in that exclamation?) 

So, I was standing at the counter of the bank this morning, trying to remember what instructions she had given me.  I know she said something, but for the life of me, I couldn't remember what it was!  The teller was being super patient, but for the life of me, I was drawing a blank.  And the worst part, if I couldn't come through and remember this, it would just be further proof for Gina that I do have ADD issues.  ugh!

I've read it several times now in my Bible.  It's in at least three of the Gospels and Jesus repeats it in His address to the seven churches of Revelation.  On several occasions, Matthew records this important admonition from Jesus, "Whoever has ears, let them hear” (11:15; 13:9, 43). It's as if He is telling the crowds (and His disciples) to, "Listen up!  Pay attention now, because what I'm about to say could change your life forever...."

As a preacher and teacher, I can tell you that there have been many times over the years that I've implored those gathered to, "Pay attention and listen up!"  (I've even been known to wake up an occasional sleeper.)  Sometimes you just get a sense that the crowd is zoning out or that they're distracted by something going on around them.  That's what is comforting to me about Jesus' admonition to His congregations!  They ALWAYS paid attention to Him, right?  He never had to deal with people who just didn't seem to be getting it. I'm not so sure...even His disciples didn't get it at times!  

I believe that there are several key components to "hearing" what the Spirit is saying through a sermon or teaching or in our prayer time: 
"Whoever has ears, let him hear."  I believe that this ancient admonition is "active" - in other words, the Spirit of the Lord continues to call us to "listen up".   Whether you are reading the Bible, in a time of prayer and intercession, or sitting under someone's ministry in the Word, we still need to hear what God is saying to us today. "Paying" attention will cost you.  And the return on your investment?  Check out what God's Word promises: 
20My child, pay attention to what I say.
Listen carefully to my words.
21Don’t lose sight of them.
Let them penetrate deep into your heart,
22for they bring life to those who find them,
and healing to their whole body.
Give God your undivided attention today as you listen, understand, and apply His Word to your life!

P.S. By the way, I couldn't remember Gina's instructions, so I had to text her to repeat them to me.  I'm off to make a second trip to the bank now and I'm sure I will hear about this later.  *sigh*  But the next time, I'm all ears!

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Yep I do the same thing. It is a discipline to really listen when you are A.D.D.
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