Friday, November 08, 2013
Small Graces
I was sick earlier this week. Believe me, you don't want any of the details. Suffice it to say, that I was laid up in bed from Sunday night until Tuesday morning. Not quite an eternity, but for those who know me, you understand how truly excruciating it is for me to be in bed for a whole day.
I was somewhere between the land of the living and the state of Truly Miserable on Monday morning, when Gina asked me if I wanted the
curtains opened in our room. She said that the sun was shining, so I said, "Sure. Anything to make me feel better. Oh, and can I have one of those little popsicles?"

I believe that is an illustration of small graces. You know what I'm talking about - those little
joys that God sends our way to lift our spirit, and our perspective.
Often times, in our hurried preoccupation, or because we are caught up in self-pity, or mired in our misery, we miss them. But they're there. Small graces come in so many different packages... In the
beautiful laughter of a child. In a phone call from an old friend. In the
poignant memory that only a song can evoke. In the cool breeze of spring, the warm rain on a summer afternoon, the colors of fall or the
fragrance of Christmas. In the gentle touch of a loved one. In a clear night sky where the stars shine on the velvet canvas of space. It might be in the smile of a stranger or in an encouraging text message
from a friend. They can even come in the form of cold popsicle.
The point is that they are there. Small graces sent by God as reminders of a bigger picture. A tap on the shoulder
to say that all is not lost, there will be a tomorrow. A note from heaven to remind us that He's still in control. A call to lift up our eyes and experience the grace of the moment, even in the midst of our storm.
Small graces, sent by God. A gentle reminder of His tender
loving care.
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