Friday, January 03, 2014


Christmas is over and the new year is under way. In the next few days (for some, it will take weeks - you know who you are!), the lights will come down, the trees put away, the music has probably already been moved off your current playlist. Life is returning back to normal. And that's the problem....  

For man, the name that evokes the very season is packed away, just like the baby in the nativity scene that's boxed away for another year. But not for us. Not for the believer.  Not for the one who is identified by Christ's name.  For the Christian must never pack away Christmas.

We must always "prepare Him room."  The truth is, if we are not vigilant, our lives quickly become over scheduled with commitments and responsibilities and passions.  Our hearts become crowded with the detritus of our misplaced priorities and without realizing it, we have no room for Jesus.  (I'm not just talking about church attendance here - although, that is surely one indicator....)

"Preparing Him room" is not just an advent admonition for one hectic season of the year, much less one season of our lives.  This should be a daily activity that begins in our waking moments. (OK, at least during that first cup of coffee.)  We must make room... 
I just want to encourage you to CONTINUE to "prepare Him room."  Please note that in Isaac Watts' great hymn, that this begins in the heart ("Let every HEART prepare Him room") and from there, it affects our daily schedule and every interaction that we have with others.

Our lives must proclaim "the good news of great joy." The Message of Christmas must not be silenced and it must continue throughout the year.  Like the angels who declared the good news with great joy.  Like the shepherds who spread the news throughout Bethlehem.  Like Simeon and Anna in the temple.  The refrain must continue, "Christ has come!  God's redemptive plan is still in effect!"


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